Exciting new feature dropping for all Hunt participants

By Beetle

As mentioned in our AMA today, we have a small but exciting new feature dropping for all Hunt participants to sweeten the pot on the ongoing quest to beat back those pesky boars. Check out the details below!

Daily Hunt Raffles

Starting at 7pm EST tonight (a few minutes ago), every winning Hunt will earn you an entry into the daily raffle for a chance to win up to* 1,000 CRYSTAL. Visit the Hunt board to view your eligible entries, the total number of entries, and your chance to win for the day. A winner will be automatically selected at the end of the daily Hunt cycle and their reward airdropped. And all you have to do to enter is continue beating on those boars, so get out there and do your heroic duty!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some Heroes with active Power-Ups from being flagged as transferred in or out of an account
  • Misc. 🪲s stomped

Thanks for being an amazing community! Godspeed and good hunting! *The reward will generally be 1,000 CRYSTAL. However, to protect the quest fund from ever being drained, the raffle reward will scale down linearly if the fund balance ever drops below 500k.






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